OBispo's Website


(My) Telephone List Of The Internet

A collection of links I find interesting and/or useful enough to curate in this website.

Obs.: This is an eternal W.I.P. All links are subject to change/break by chance or at will.

Table of contents:

The Lesser Evil

These are alternative sites to view (but not contibute with) content of different modern social media and platforms. Using these are advisable in order to maintain a healthy relationship with "big tech social media", especially when segregating different facets of one's life (personal, professional, etc.).

Since most of the listed resources are available in multiple instances, the links below will lead you to instance lists so that you can search for the one that works better for your situation.

The first privacy-focused front-end to exist, as far as I know. It's a front-end to YouTube.
Another front-end to YouTube. Because of its better layout and sponsorblock integration, it's my personal recommendation.
It's a front-end to Twitter. Given the recent changes to the website, your mileage may vary with this one.
It's a front-end to Instagram, and it's clinically dead. :(
It's an Instagram profile archiver. Usually works, albeit with lots of ads. Ready your adblockers!
It's a front-end for Redddit. If you'd like old Reddit to have no ads and a dark mode, then this is for you. Given the recent changes to the website, your mileage may vary with this one.
Another front-end for Redddit. If you like the Reddit’s modern UI, then this is for you. Given the recent changes to the website, your mileage may vary with this one.
SearXNG (pronounced “sircs en-gee”)
A meta-search engine, meaning it will fetch results from different search engines and display them for you in a single page. There are over 100 engines to choose from in different categories. Extremely useful, I can’t recommend it enough.

On my RSS feed

These are some of my RSS feeds. Feel free to suggest more via e-mail.

Wonderful mathematics youtuber and creator of Manim animation engine.
Also dispenses introductions. A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Avi Chawla
Daily tips on Python, data science and machine learning.
David Revoy
FOSS artist, creator of Pepper & Carrot.
Eric Murphy
Web developer, also makes videos on YouTube and Odysee.
Zoomer making videos and art on the web.
Linux sysadmin making privacy videos and blogposts in his spare time, with a focus on GrapheneOS.